In mid-August 2020, the time had come: HR JOURNAL was officially registered with Google. We celebrate the successful fourth year, take a (brief) look back and cast a glance ahead.
‘The path of websites into the big wide world of the web is usually a bit bumpy.’ That’s what I wrote on the German site’s first birthday. Now in its fourth year, I can confirm this statement. The launch of the English edition of HR JOURNAL at the end of 2023 quickly got bogged down in a software quagmire.
The conclusion: WordPress is only suitable for multilingual sites to a limited extent. After a decluttering of the software, we are now relaunching the English edition. At any rate, we unexpectedly had more time to fine-tune the editorial concept.
As a first step, we will be translating selected content from the German site into English. We now have a pool of very good articles that are also of interest to an international readership. However, a 1:1 copy of the German site was never the plan. That’s why we will gradually introduce exclusive English content.
There are enough topics. The economic development in Germany will challenge HR in many ways. Of course, we will address this editorially in the German edition. In future, however, we also want to take a look at other countries. What challenges does HR face there and what exemplary solutions are there? More on this later.
Best regards,
Helge Weinberg, Editor of HR JOURNAL