New: English Version of the HR JOURNAL

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On the homepage of the HR JOURNAL you can now choose between articles in “German” and in “English”. Why is that and what are we planning?

At the moment there is still little to be seen in the English section. But this will change step by step. There are good reasons for this leap into international waters. For example this one:

More and more companies from abroad are entering the German HR market. We are already in contact with companies from the USA, UK, France, Israel and many other countries. Especially in HR technology, there are many new providers – and these are not “just” startups. Many of them are already writing for the HR JOURNAL. Why not publish these articles in English as well?

We’ll start in a down-to-earth way. There are quite a few technical challenges that need to be dealt with. That comes first. We’ll test out how everything works and fix what doesn’t work. At the same time, we’ll be making a modest editorial start. At first, it will be articles that you may already know because we had already published them in German. In the medium term (= in 2024) we will then ignite the second stage. More about that later. We think it’s super exciting and we are very enthusiastic about this new venture.

Merry Christmas!

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